In reviewing the social networking site titled, Classroom 2.0 I became exited about this task :). I chose this link because I think the most exciting part of this online learning process for me has been the use of the Voice Thread. I think that it would be such a dynamic way to present information within a classroom on any subject. It is colorful and exciting and I find it most useful for classroom and network purposes.
I thought that participation in this group would be useful for me because the network here, as Siemens continued saying, is an opportunity to sharpen my skills. It seems that teachers on this network are all connected and in turn they are reaching goals that may be unattainable to others without the support of this guiding network. I came across a place to compare and share group projects and I think that if we could get classrooms sharing with other classrooms that this would be a very exciting way of connecting children, essentially on a network (providing them with valuable skills for their future), with other children around the world and sharing learning with everyone. Siemens did say that Connectivism was a way of knowing how to learn in the world rather than simply in our own heads!!
The image you chose says it all!