Sunday, March 4, 2012

How to use Microblogs in Professional Development & Teaching

After having read, How to use Twitter for Social Learning, on Diigo I began to recognize all the different possibilities for this type of technology within the world of education.  To name a few, collaborative writing, twitter book clubs, micro learning and even for feedback and quizzes.  I think that these ideas listed are all ways that I would be able to use twitter in my classroom.  I think that students would become more engaged in the process of reading for a book club if they were allowed the time necessary to actually go on twitter and respond or reflect to and through their classmates via twitter.  What an excellent way to incorporate "hip" technology for our youth.
On another note I also read, TeachPaperless:  Twimpact: Twitter's impact on my week.  This was very a very inspiring article highlighting the importance of twitter regarding teacher growth.  This specific educator explained, "I learned a new trick for the Promethean Board that I never would have known was possible".  Ah ha...this twitter for educators thing really is possible.  It seemed from this specific Blog that twitter had provided only positive attributes to his teaching and continued learning.  I think that some of the available networks he was able to establish, and in turn, the information he was able to acquire wouldn't have been possible without Twitter :).
I see the value of this network and plan on incorporating it soon (with restrictions of course:).

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