A learner is like a box of pencils...when you use them, overtime, they get dull. They constantly need sharpening, just as learners, educators and people need to sharpen their skills.
George Siemen states in his article, Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age, "Over the last 20 years, technology has reorganized how we live, how we communicate, and how we learn". He goes on to discuss how learner must be a way of being and he emphasizes the importance of continuing to sharpen your technological skills in order to succeed in this ever changing society of digital networks. He says that technology is re-wiring our brains and he is right- the tools we use define and shape our thinking. If we aren't quick to keep up with the technological advances we may find ourselves in a world we know longer recognize. I am only a young woman and through the multitude of technologies offered today I often find "myself" frustrated, confused and overwhelmed (and I grew up with this technology). I can only imagine the affect on our students if they aren't educated using the most up- to-date technology.
As I continued through this module I began watching the video titled, The Network is the Learning, and when Siemens said, "What we know today is not as important as our ability to stay current" I immediately stopped and starred at the computer screen. I began thinking about this idea...really? Well after comparing the ideas in this video with the ideas presented in the article it all began to make perfect sense. He's right...it doesn't matter what we know already, but how adaptable we are to know more is most crucial. Part of this knowing must include networks, the idea that we are all a part of a bigger picture and network seems to support how we continue to function as integral parts of society. I imagine if we didn't keep up with these growing networks, we may just fade away into the background of the infinite chaos we've created in this world.
The image of fading away into the infinite chaos was kind of scary! Thankfully there are networking sites that can keep us connected and up to date!